Hija de Kim Basinger impacta por su belleza en Instagram

Miércoles, 19 de Abril de 2017. 08:48 Hs.

VIDEO. Con fotos del día a día, algunas con poca ropa y muy sensuales, la joven hija de Kim Basinger y Alec Baldwin impacta por su belleza en la red social de las imágenes.

Instagram Ireland Baldwin.

Ireland Baldwin en cuanto apariencia física, es una mezcla perfecta entre su madre, Kim Basinger, y su papá Alec Baldwin.

Con los atributos mencionados, a sus 21 años, tiene una carrera en el modelaje que empieza a dar frutos, de acuerdo a lo informado por La Nación.

Esta semana, Ireland posteó en su cuenta de Instagram una imagen donde se la ve en bikini, en una playa y mirando hacia el mar. Al poco tiempo, la foto obtuvo una cantidad arrasadora de "me gusta".




Una publicación compartida de Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) el

Además, semanas atrás posteó una imagen en la que se la puede ver sin ropa.



one of the most freeing and special adventures of my life. excited for what the future holds.

Una publicación compartida de Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) el

Algunos vídeos también demuestran la gran sensualidad de la joven, hija de estrellas del cine.


so this is somewhat of a personal post... I feel like I should always be honest on here. Everyone that knows me knows I don't pretend to be anybody on here. I'm sure a lot of you out there can relate to how I feel so I think I can be honest. Sometimes I get caught up in the opinions of others and I get really down on myself. I am pale white. I hardly tan. I have cellulite. I'm not petite. I'm around 6 ft. I drop weight rather quickly but gain it by eating one bagel. I'm a 36 D cup and I have a booty. I've got inner thigh fat. And outer thigh. And just straight up thigh fat. I've gone from a size 00 to a size 6 to a size whatever to not knowing to not eating to eating boxes of pizza to starving myself to being gym obsessed to eating my way out of a sprinkles cupcakes bakery to now. I'm happy. I'm mentally ready to work hard. It's not even necessarily a matter of working out and eating clean, it's also how I've thought recently. I've been cloudy, unfocused and losing energy. I need to reset my mind and body. I now take this harsh world with a grain of salt and accept myself for who I am. Sure I could work a little bit harder. We all can. Or maybe you need to learn to love yourself before you can do anything. I'm taking the next month to do a full mind, body and health reset cleanse. It's not juicing, it's not starvation, and it's not about obsessing over each and every inch of my body. I'm happy to post my tips and tricks along my journey to reaching my healthiest self. I'm no fitness and health expert. Lord knows I love deep fried pizza and I shout super size me from the mountaintops, but I do know what I've done in the past to reach my goals and I want to share them with girls who are in my shoes. It's time to love your self and take care of our bodies!!!

Una publicación compartida de Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) el

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